Shekinah International
Kingdom Fellowship

Nature of Fellowship

The Shekinah International Kingdom Fellowship is not designed to dominate or dictate to any ministry or practice any form of isolation. Neither is this fellowship designed to form any new denomination. The fellowship does not desire to change doctrinal beliefs that are already sound and concrete in the faith. Any association within this fellowship is strictly voluntary, both at the beginning and in continuation. Members remain at liberty to withdraw from the fellowship it has voluntarily joined at any time!

Primary Mission

  • Foster interdenominational relationships
  • Encourage Pastors
  • Liberate Local Church Structure
  • Outreach and Community Involvement
  • Training & Development through the JCOB Episcopal Academy
  • Help plant churches
  • Provide Apostolic Covering

Shekinah International Kingdom Fellowship is comprised of Pastors, Clergy and Congregations who are in covenant with one another for the purpose of solidarity, Ministry Training and Fellowship. This catalyst of a fellowship was founded in 2022 and is rapidly evolving into a well-established body of focused believers fulfilling our mission to positively impact the world.

Our mission

“And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.”

  • Genuine Fellowship with other Pastors.
  • Opportunity to be a part of a united body of Believers who not only believe in but foster biblical unity among Christian Believers as one Body in Christ.
  • Biblical Training and Mentoring.
  • Personal Development and Ministry Development.

Vision Statement

“We endeavor to form a unified and biblical bond of fellowship that will glorify God and edify the body of Christ and ensure proper religious training and appropriate covering to all churches and church leaders seeking the same.”

Soul Freedom

We believe in the authority of all believers. We affirm the freedom and responsibility of every person to relate directly to God without the imposition of creed or the control of clergy or government from this fellowship.

Bible Freedom

We believe in authority of Scripture. We believe the bible, under the lordship of Christ, is central to life of the individual and the church. We affirm the freedom and right of every Christian to interpret and apply scripture under the leadership of the Holy Spirit.

Church Freedom

We believe in the autonomy of every local church. Consequently, we believe all churches should be free, under the Lordship of Christ, to determine their membership and leadership, to order their worship and work, to ordain whomever they perceive as gifted for ministry, and to participate as they deem appropriate in the larger body of Christ.

Religious Freedom

We believe in freedom of religion, freedom for religion, and freedom from religion. We support the separation of church and state.